Kadrovska služba

Razpis za prodekana študenta / prodekanjo študentko in kandidacijski postopek

Objavljamo razpis za prodekana študenta / prodekanjo študentko in kandidacijski postopek.

Rok za oddajo kandidatur začne teči z dnevom objave razpisa in traja štirinajst (14) dni, torej do vključno 14. julija 2021, do 12. ure.

Kandidaturo pošljite na elektronski naslov: damjana.adamic@ff.uni-lj.si


Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology

Change of Office Hours Mateja Habinc

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Vojko Gorjanc

Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

International Office, Faculty of Arts

Notice of closure of the International Office

International Office, Faculty of Arts

Notice of closure of the International Office