Program planning in adult education

Program planning in adult education

Study Cycle: 2

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 30

ECTS credit: 7

Lecturer(s): asist. Košmerl Tadej, doc. dr. Urbančič Matej, prof. dr. Ličen Nives

Context and factors which are important in planning process.
Development of the concepts and models for planning programs in adult education.
Analitical, descriptive and prescriptive models and different strategies in program planning.
Andragogic cycle (ADDIE) as a planning model.
Interactive model of program planning.
Methods for identifying and prioritizing educational needs.
Quality and program evaluation.
Phases and principles in planning programs.
Elements of the plan (goals, objectives, strategies and formats, evaluation plans, managing budgets).
Planning programs for different target groups.
Planning and the concept of learning network.
Planning projects of selfguided learning.