Comparative Adult Education

Comparative Adult Education

Lectures: 30

Seminars: 30

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Mikulec Borut

Interdisciplinary foundations of comparative studies (pedagogy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, history, economy and other disciplines of humanities and social sciences).
Methodology of comparative research in the field of adult education (quantitative and qualitative methods, issues of comparability and limitations of international comparative studies in adult education, contemporary trends in international comparative studies).
Globalisation, Europeanisation and transnationalisation of education in adult education (understanding the role international organisations (UNESCO, OECD, EU) plays in formulation of global and European agenda in adult education).
Comparison of the ideas of the most prominent theoreticians and practitioners in the field of adult education (e.g. Dewey, Gruntvig, Freire, Illich, Kidd, Knoll, Knowles, Lindeman, Titmus, Tough, Jarvis etc.).
Comparative analysis of the governance of adult education in the world (policy, legislation, financing, organisation, provision, needs analysis in adult education).
Geographical, social, political, economic and cultural understandings of adult education (adult education in developed and less developed countries and in third world countries, or in the countries of the global North and the global South).
International cooperation in the field of adult education (international organizations, societies, conferences, projects).