Theory of Translation
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Stankovska Petra, izr. prof. dr. Wtorkowska Maria Zofia
General introduction to the subject of translation theory, its main fields, translation, interpreting, translation criticism and translation didactics, main translation theories and approaches, typologies of translations, translation methods and procedures.
Analysis of concrete issues at the theoretical level.
1. Translation theory as part of applied linguistics. Basic terminology. Structure and description of individual fields.
2. Translation methods and procedures.
3. Typology and characteristics of translations.
4. Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting. Community interpreting. Remote interpreting. Relay. Retour. A vista interpreting.
5. Translation as a communication process and a linguistic, semantic, stylistic and pragmatic task.
6. Interpreter’s role and personality. Translator's linguistic, cultural and intercultural competences in the source and target language, with particular emphasis on the West Slavic language area.
7. Note-taking techniques.
8. Translation process and its phases with regards to various theoretical approaches.
9. Interpretation and coherence in the translation process. Equivalence in translation. Translation dominant.
10. Transformations in the translation process (inversion, modulation, substitution, amplification and reduction, compensation and lack of equivalence (calque, adaptation, interpretative translation ...))
11. Stylistics and translation in the context of the diachrony of West Slavic stylistic formations.
12. The problem of untranslatability and faithfulness in theory and practice. Translation criticism and illustration of potential issues when translating literary, technical and administrative modern and historical texts into West Slavic languages.
13. Milestones in the development of critical-theoretical thought in the West Slavic area.
14. Court interpreter examination. Professional training for court and other public service interpreters.
- Š. Vevar, Temeljni aspekti in principi teorije literarnega prevajanja, Študentska založba, Ljubljana 2001. COBISS.SI-ID 113791232
- P. Newmark, Učbenik prevajanja, Ljubljana 2000. COBISS.SI-ID 110006272
- Sodobne metode v prevodoslovnem raziskovanju (ur. N.K. Pokorn), Ljubljana 2009. COBISS.SI-ID 248837632
- D. Movrin, Fidus interpres, zvest prevajalec, Ljubljana 2010.COBISS.SI-ID 250125312
- B. A. Novak, Salto immortale. Študije o prevajanju poezije, Ljubljana 2011, t. 1,2.COBISS.SI-ID 255243520
- Š. Vintar, Prevajalske tehnologije, Ljubljana 2016.COBISS.SI-ID 287774464
- J. Levý, Umění překladu. Praha 1983 (ali v prevodu: Umjetnost prevođenja, Sarajevo 1982) COBISS.SI-ID 55447650, Sarajevo COBISS.SI-ID 6234369
- Z. Fišer, Překlad jako kreativní proces (Teorie a praxe funkcionalistického překládání). Brno 2009. COBISS.SI-ID 43338594
Priporočena literatura:
- A. Popovič, Teória umeleckého prekladu. Bratislava 1975.
- F. Miko, Aspekty prekladového textu. Nitra 2011.
- P. Bukowski, M. Heydel, Współczesne teorie przekładu, Kraków 2009.
- P. de Bończa Bukowski, M. Heydel (ur.), Polska myśl przekładoznawcza. Antologia. Kraków 2013.
- K. Lipiński: Vademecum tłumacza, Kraków 2006.
- J. Pieńkos, Podstawy przekładoznawstwa. Od teorii do praktyki. Zakamycze 2003.