World Literature
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Matajc Vanesa
The course synthetically represents the oldest (namely, Sumerian, Egyptian, Babylon-Assyrian, Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, Indian, Chinese and Japanese literatures of the antique and the Middle Ages), classical (Greek and Roman) literatures, European literatures of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism, Enlightment, Pre-romantic and Romantic, Realist and Naturalist literatures, literatures of the New Romanticism, Decadence and Symbolism (i.e., of the fin de siecle period), literatures of the modern Avant-garde movements of the 20th century, Expressionism, Existentialism, Modernism, Postmodernism and after-Postmodernist literatures. In addition, the course includes a short survey of the contemporary non-European literatures (such as literatures of the Latin America, African, Asian, Caribbean literatures) with a theoretical emphasis on the specific characteristics of the so called post-colonial literature.
Erich Auerbach, Mimesis. Prikazana resničnost v zahodni literaturi. Ljubljana 1998. 443 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 72849152
Gian Biaggio Conte, Zgodovina latinske književnosti. Ljubljana, 2010. 880 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 250722816
Marcel Cornis-Pope, John Neubauer, History of the literary cultures of East-Central Europe, I-IV. Amsterdam, Philadelphia 2004-2010. (izbrana poglavja iz 4 knjig) COBISS.SI-ID 221827840
Janko Kos, Svetovni roman. Ljubljana 2009. 671 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 248669184
Janko Kos, Pregled svetovne književnosti. Ljubljana 2005. 315 str. COBISS.SI-ID 218806272
Janko Kos, Primerjalna zgodovina slovenske literature. Ljubljana 2001. 417 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 109315328
Janko Kos, Romantika. Ljubljana 1980. 87 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 11193601
Janko Kos, Razsvetljenstvo. Ljubljana 1986. 120 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 11192065
Janko Kos, Predromantika. Ljubljana 1987. 96 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 21707521
Vivian Liska, Astradur Eysteinsson (ur.). Modernism. (A comparative history of literatures in European languages, vol. 21.) Amsterdam, Philadelphia, 2007. Vol. 1. 544 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 29005101
Earl Roy Miner. Comparative poetics : an intercultural essay on theories of Literature. Princeton, New Jersey, 1990. 259 str. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID 2844940
Tim Whitmarsh, Starogrška literatura. Ljubljana, 2013. 304 str. COBISS.SI-ID 266793728