The Art System and Exhibiting Contemporary Art
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Žerovc Beti
The course acquaints students with and make them understand the art system and its main stakeholders. Students are familiarized with diverse aspects of exhibiting contemporary and modern art.
Selected contents:
- historical development of art system and its specificities;
-development of art market and art criticism;
denied economy;
-art collectors; history and methods of collecting contemporary art;
-cultural policy and the role of the state in contemporary art;
-processes of institutionalization of contemporary art; musealization of art, biennialization of art;
-institutional sector and marketing sector of contemporary art; types of bonds between the institutional and marketing sectors;
-development of the artist’s status, activity and professional ethics in relation to the above-mentioned issues;
-development of exhibiting contemporary art; historical outline of different practices of exhibitions and exhibition-related writing about art (exhibition texts, catalogue texts, art reviews, and exhibition reports in mass media, etc.);
-development of the phenomenon of curatorship and its impact on art production;
- contemporary art exhibitions in Slovenia and their history.
The contents of the seminar may slightly vary from year to year. They are selected in such a way that they enable students to familiarize themselves with the most topical and varied problems from the sphere of the discussed contents. The seminar is partly conducted as field study.
- Bruce Altshuler, Biennials and Beyond: Exhibitions that Made Art History 1962-2002, Phaidon, London 2013. COBISS.SI-ID - 634607
Oskar Bätschmann, The artist in the modern world : the conflict between market and self-expression, DuMont, Köln 1997. COBISS.SI-ID – 75224320
- Pierre Bourdieu, The Rules of Art. Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field, Polity Press, Cambridge 1996. COBISS.SI-ID – 22810205
- Robert Jensen, Marketing Modernism in Fin-de-Siecle Europe, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1994. COBISS.SI-ID – 952430
- Susan M. Pearce, On collecting. An Investigation into Collecting in the European Tradition, London, New York 2005. COBISS.SI-ID - 48268386
- Thinking about exhibitions (ur. R. Greenberg, B.W. Ferguson, S. Nairne), London 1996 [2000, 2005]. COBISS.SI-ID – 17939554
- Carol Duncan, Civilizing Rituals. Inside public art museums, London, New York 1995. COBISS.SI-ID - 55584768
- Mary Anne Staniszewski, The Power of Display. A History of Exhibition Installations at the Museum of Modern Art, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., London 1998. COBISS.SI-ID – 44270178
- Beti Žerovc, Rihard Jakopič – umetnik in strateg, cf*, Ljubljana 2002. COBISS.SI-ID - 119593984
- Beti Žerovc (ur.), Razstava. Teoretska priloga, Likovne besede, 81/82, zima 2007, str. 2–45.
COBISS.SI-ID – 16307458
- Osemdeset let Narodne galerije: 1918–1998, ur. Ferdinand Šerbelj, Ljubljana 1998. COBISS.SI-ID – 97209856
- Špelca Čopič, Pot do slovenske akademije za likovno umetnost, Akademija za likovno umetnost Ljubljana: 1945–1975, ur. Kiar Meško, Ljubljana 1975, str. 37–56. COBISS.SI-ID – 28489473
- Bojana Rogina, Historiat stalne zbirke Moderne galerije, Izbrana dela slovenskih avtorjev iz zbirk Moderne galerije: 1950–2000, Ljubljana 2002, str. 168–177. COBISS.SI-ID – 120465152
- 50 let Mestne galerije v Ljubljani, ur. Mateja Podlesnik, Ljubljana 2013. COBISS.SI-ID - 270377984
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