Practise of Teaching Sociology
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Kos Živa
In the pedagogical practice, students will practically apply the contents of the subject didactics of sociology in their work in the school and in the classroom.
In the context of pedagogical practice, students will become familiar with all relevant teaching materials necessary for quality teaching in the subject of sociology. They will observe and reflect on the teaching of sociology content by mentors in the field. They will work with them to plan and implement lessons, solve pedagogical problems, and engage in school work when possible. Each student will conduct and lead 8 hours of observational work (observing and reflecting on the mentor's lessons), keeping observation logs. During the practicum, students will creatively plan, learn, and self-evaluate 8 independent learning activities.
The student will keep a journal of pedagogical practice in the field.
Selected chapters from:
• Tomič A. (2002). Spremljanje pouka. Ljubljana: ZRSŠ COBISS.SI-ID - 117167104
• Aktualni učni načrti za gimnazije, srednje šole in OŠ
• Veljavni predpisi s področja izobraževanja: https://www.gov.si/drzavni-organi/ministrstva/ministrstvo-za-izobrazeva…
• EURYDICE: http://www.eurydice.si/
• Digitalne kompetence: https://sio.si/2016/05/30/okvir-za-razvijanje-in-razumevanje-digitalne-…
• EEA: https://ec.europa.eu/education/education-in-the-eu/european-education-a…
• Global learning: https://globallearninggoals.com/
• TALIS: http://talispei.splet.arnes.si/