Didactics of Psychology
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 15
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 15
ECTS credit: 4
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Depolli Steiner Katja, prof. dr. Puklek Levpušček Melita
• Representations of teacher's role and teacher competences. Documents: curriculum, syllabus, matura exam catalogue. Forms of teaching: frontal teaching, group work, individual work, cooperative learning, team teaching, problem based learning.
• Teaching methods: lecture, demonstration, learning from written source, discussion, simulations, role playing, snowball method, self-reflection. Teaching tools for teaching psychology.
• Modern educational technologies.
• Evaluation of learning outcomes: ways and forms of assessments in teaching psychology; matura exam in psychology.
• Organisation (articulation) of teaching process (e.g. teaching hour, school day).
• Planning of teaching process: preparation of a teaching lesson, schedule, annual teaching plan.
• Classroom management and communication in the classroom.
• Practical activities: microteaching, hospitation, leading a teaching lesson.
• Analysis and reflection of teaching lessons.
- Blažič, M. idr. (2003). Didaktika: visokošolski učbenik. Novo mesto: Visokošolsko središče Novo mesto. (str. 127–165, 226–256, 328–400). COBISS.SI-ID - 127269376
- Curk, J. idr. (2002). Poučujemo psihologijo: zbornik idej za poučevanje psihologije v gimnazijah in srednjih strokovnih in tehničnih šolah (uredila T. Rupnik Vec). Ljubljana: Zavod Republike Slovenije za šolstvo. COBISS.SI-ID - 119757312
- Kompare, A. (ur., 2003). Zbirka nalog in primerov načrtovanja iz psihologije. Ljubljana: ZRSŠ (str. 7-59). COBISS.SI-ID - 126167552
- Žagar, D. (2011). Didaktika psihologije v srednjem izobraževanju. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. COBISS.SI-ID - 254912768