Translation from English into Slovene
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 60
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Hafner Miha, izr. prof. dr. Štajnpihler Božič Tilen, prof. dr. Pisanski Peterlin Agnes
Translation of various types of texts and finding solutions to translation problems concerning text composition, style and vocabulary.
Contrastive analysis of selected text-types in both languages. The focus of the analysis will be on the translation problems mentioned above and on compliance with the textual conventions and norms of the respective texts in both languages.
Translation of various genres of texts
- practical application of theoretical knowledge
- active participation in the translation process with real-time problem solving
- translation of collocations
- translation of all parts of (lexical) meaning, style in particular
- comparison of cohesive elements in both languages
- degrees of formality.
Slovarji slovenskega jezika in druge podatkovne zborke, od besedilnih do specializiranih terminoloških:
- Slovarji na portalu Fran: https://fran.si
- Viri in orodja za slvenščino na spletnio strani CJVT: https://www.cjvt.si/viri/
Slovarji v elektronski ali natisnjeni obliki/Students are expected to have access to various mono and bi-lingual dictionaries in electronic or paper form:
Slovar kolokacij, npr./A collocation dictionary, e.g.: Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. 2009. Oxford: OUP. COBISS.SI-ID – 13878066 2nd ed.
Enojezični EFL angleški slovar (približno 70.000 gesel) večje britanske ali ameriške založbe, npr./Amonolingual EFL dictionary (approx. 70 000 entries) by one of the major British or American publishers, e.g.: Longman Group, Collins Publishers, Oxford University Press, Chambers etc.
Enozvezkovni enojezični angleški slovar (približno 170.000 gesel) večje britanske ali ameriške založbe, npr./A desk monolingual English dictionary (approx. 170 000 entries) of the major British or American publishers, e.g. Collins Publishers, Oxford University Press, Longman Group, Chambers, Merriam-Webster, Random House etc.
Krek, S. (ed.) 2005-6. Veliki angleško-slovenski slovar OXFORD®-DZS. Ljubljana: DZS. COBISS.SI-ID - 217361664
Optional: different specialised dictionaries, e.g. a dictionaries of false friends, Longman Language Activator (2002) COBISS.SI-ID – 13279206 2nd ed, rhyming dictionaries, thesauri, dictionaries of synonyms, pictorial dictionaries, different encyclopaedias, terminological dictionaries, English-German, English-French, English-Italian, English-Spanish bilingual dictionaries.
Slovar kolokacij, npr./A collocation dictionary, e.g.: Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English. 2009. 2nd ed. Oxford: OUP. COBISS.SI-ID – 13878066
Longman Language Activator (2002) 2nd ed. COBISS.SI-ID – 13279206 2002