Seminar in General Ethnology, Urban, Modern and Traditional Lifeways
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 60
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Svetel Ana, izr. prof. dr. Habinc Mateja
Work in the seminar is based on guided reading of articles and variety of current and older literature, in accordance to the topics or the area of particular seminar. Main activities are guided discussions and independent student presentations of their own research as well as consulted reading. Each student prepares and defends a seminar work in the range of 30.000 to 60.000 characters with spaces. Each study year mentors or leaders of the seminar acquaint the students with the specific topic of the seminar and accordingly provide them basic literature, which they discuss about within the seminar.
In the first semester the student presents the topic of his or her seminar work, which is followed by a guided discussion, and by the end of the semester he or she prepares and submits its disposition.
The seminar relates to the following established fields in the study program of ethnology and cultural anthropology: theories of culture, ways of life and identities, urban anthropology.
In the seminar students follow contemporary trends in the global and Slovene scientific and popular literature and discuss the concurrent activities taking place in Slovenia and elsewhere. They are not related solely to theories, research methodology or to the professional developments, its contemporary achievements and ethnographic examples, since they often touch broader social and political life as well as widely understood cultural events taking place at home and abroad. The seminar is offering a place for the transfer of concurrent research achievements and insights regarding various social phenomena taking place in the Slovenian as well as foreign urban and rural environments (eg. traditional and complementary medicine, in the fields of anthropology of gender and sexuality, ethics, narrative folklore). It also seeks to place them in the wider social, cultural and political context. The seminar enables insights into the past and contemporary beliefs and practices, the analysis of various models of for example economic organization at home and around the world, and at the same time it encourages for example cooperation in the rural development and the applied research. It also deals with ethnographic portraits of the individuals, both dominant and influential symbolic figures as well as ordinary people, who as protagonists of a certain way of life, historical process, specific space etc. appear in ethnographic records.
Slavec Gradišnik Ingrid: Etnologija na Slovenskem. Med čermi narodopisja in antropologije. Ljubljana: ISN ZRC SAZU, 2000. COBISS.SI-ID - 109402112
Each year separately those who lead the seminar prepare the list of literature - individually for each student and according to his or her chosen topic of the seminar work.