Greek language in the Middle Ages and the modern era
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kavčič Jerneja
Seminary reading of selected texts from the Byzantine, Ottoman or Modern Greek period, written in demotic or archaizing language varieties. In this framework students get thoroughly acquainted with basic issues concerning the development of the Greek language after the end of antiquity (basic diachronic processes and differences between Ancient, Byzantine and Modern Greek; diglossia in the Byzantine period and the emergence of demotic literature; Modern Greek language question; Modern Greek dialects and their use in literature; language contact in the Byzantine and Modern era and its impact on the Greek language).
Browning, R. Medieval and Modern Greek, London 1969 (novogrški prevod 1996). COBISS.SI-ID – 23557986
Horrocks, G. Greek, A history of the language and its speakers. London in New York 1997 (ponatis 2010) COBISS.SI-ID – 45483618
Kontosopoulos, N. G. Διάλεκτοι και ιδιώματα της νέας Ελληνικής, Αθήνα 20013. COBISS.SI-ID – 30863202
Kriaras, E. Λεξικό της μεσαιωνικής ελληνικής δημώδους γραμματείας 1100-1669, Θεσσαλονίκη 2014. COBISS.SI-ID – 40173410
Mackridge, P. Language and National Identity in Greece, 1766-1976, Oxford 2009. COBISS.SI-ID – 51589730
Megas, A. E. Ιστορία του γλωσσικού ζητήματος Ι-ΙΙ, Αθήνα 1925-27. COBISS.SI-ID – 40999266
Holton. D., et al. The Cambridge grammar of medieval and early modern Greek. Cambridge 2019. COBISS.SI-ID – 70634338
Triantafyllidis. M. Mικρή νεοελληνική γραμματική. Solun, 1966. COBISS.SI-ID - 29890658
Izbrana besedila iz obdobja od konca antike do moderne dobe (ljudska in visoka književnost). Literatura k posameznim obravnavanim besedilom bo predpisana sproti.