Phenomenological and Cultural Hermeneutics
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Komel Dean
A) Phenomenological Hermeneutics
Philosophic unfolding of the situation of contemporaneity must first of all consider the achievements of phenomenological and hermeneutic philosophy in the last century, and rethink them in regard of their relation, not only to philosophic tradition, but also to the actual philosophic situation. Interpretative appropriation of fundamental phenomenological and hermeneutic texts forms that basis, upon which the topology of the thematic field in the concepts “intentionality”, “worldness”, “language”, “textuality”, “difference”, “existence”, “history”, “contemporaneity”, “technology” and “art” presents itself. We cannot presuppose philosophy as a definitive knowledge, but as an open directedness of thinking in the following of the language of phenomena.
B) Cultural Hermeneutics
Philosophical comprehension of culture is discussed in relation to religion, art, science and politics. Special attention is dedicated to the specificity of humanistic knowledge, as far as it finds its applicative sense in culture. To this a discussion of the influence of informative technologies upon culture in its social and creative meaning is annexed. Today the understanding of culture in its social context is above all connected with widespread problems of interculturality, which demand a philosophic reflection upon the comprehension of identities and differences. To this the elements of pop culture, which represents the predominating way of cultural intermediation, are annexed. Finally the sense of creativity, which eludes the cultural institution and shows its boundaries, is discussed.
A Phenomenological hermeneutics
Tema: Fenomenologija, umetnost, tehnika
Benjamin, Walter: »Umetnina v času, ko jo je mogoče tehnično reproducirati«. V: Izbrani spisi, Ljubljana 1998, str. 145–176. COBISS.SI-ID - 78350336
Heidegger, Martin: »Vprašanje po tehniki«. V: Predavanja in sestavki, Ljubljana 2003, str. 10–46. COBISS.SI-ID - 126223872
Heidegger, Martin: »Poreklo umetnosti in določitev mislenja«. V: O umetnosti, Ljubljana 2015, str. 229–247. COBISS.SI-ID - 282764288
Husserl, Edmund: »Pismo Hugu von Hofmannsthalu«. Nova revija 21, 245/246 (2002), str. 271–274. COBISS.SI-ID - 122057728 (članek) in 4435458 (revija)
Dodatna literatura
Sepp, Hans Rainer / Embree, Lester (ur.): Handbook of Phenomenological Aesthetics, Springer, Dordrecht/Heidelberg/London/New York 2010. COBISS.SI-ID - 43853410
B Cultural Hermeneutics
Izpitna literatura
Agamben, Giorgio: »Kaj je dispozitiv?«. Problemi 45, 8-9, 2007, 13-28. COBISS.SI-ID - 32011565 (članek) in 13608448 (revija)
Deleuze, Gilles: »Imanenca: neko življenje«; »Aktualno in virtualno«. Problemi 49, 9-10, 2011, str. 5–15. COBISS.SI-ID - 271131136 (prvi članek) in 33855533 (drugi članek) ter 13608448 (revija)
Eagelton, Tery: The Idea of Culture, Oxford 2000, str. 1–31. COBISS.SI-ID - 6929462 ali
http://www.faculty.fairfield.edu/dcrawford/eagleton_2000.pdf (pregledno).
Freud, Sigmund: Prihodnost neke iluzije, Maribor 1996, str. 9–24. COBISS.SI-ID - 38873601
Huizinga, Johan – Caillois, Roger – Fink, Eugen: Teorija igre. (Huizinga: O izvoru kulture v igri; Fink: Igra kot simbol sveta), Ljubljana 2003, str. 9–45, 307–333. COBISS.SI-ID - 126918656
Jameson, Fredric: »Kulturna logika poznega kapitalizma«. V: Postmodernizem, Ljubljana 2001, str. 7–68. COBISS.SI-ID - 112015872 ali https://www.dlib.si/stream/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-I5FXDP0X/b1d1fe4d-34b1-4dd6-a… (str. 5–56).
Nietzsche, Friedrich: »O resnici in laži v zunajmoralnem smislu«. FNM: filozofska revija za učitelje filozofije, dijake in študente XI/1-2 (2004), str. 65–72. COBISS.SI-ID – 222526720 (članek) in 79291136 (revija)
Simmel, Georg: »Koncept in tragedija kulture«. V: Izbrani spisi o kulturi, Ljubljana 2000, str. 27–54. COBISS.SI-ID – 107983360