Sociology of Religion
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Zalta Anja
Language, culture and religion: individual and cultural / social in religion, sacred, myth and ritual, magic, mysticism, theism and atheism, forms of organization of religions, the typology of religions, the question of religious development. The main theoretical traditions and new directions in the sociology of religion: Marx, Durkheim, Weber, Simmel, structural-functionalist and systemic orientation of Parsons, Luhmann, phenomenological: Luckmann, Berger, religion, sociology and anthropology: Malinowski, Mauss, Levi Strauss, M.Douglas . Basic themes and concepts of contemporary sociology of religion: secularization and revitalization; folk religiosity, new religious movements and the "new spirituality"; civil religion, national and political ideology and / as religion, government, organized religion and civil society, religion and post-modern: privatization and de-(civil) religion. Empirical sociological research on religiosity in Slovenia and Europe: research methods and critical evaluation of the results.
StuOsnovna literatura:
• Flere, Sergej, Kerševan, Marko: Religija in (sodobna) družba: uvod v sociologijo religije. Ljubljana: ZPS, 1995 (zbirka Alfa, 1995, 1). COBISS.SI-ID – 49899776
• Kerševan, Marko: Religija kot družbeni pojav. Ljubljana, Mladinska knjiga, 1975 (zbirka Tokovi). COBISS.SI-ID – 8520449
• Davie, Grace. Religija v sodobni Evropi : mutacija spomina. Ljubljana: FDV, 2005. COBISS.SI-ID - 223150336
• Luckmann, Thomas: Nevidna religija. Ljubljana, Krtina, 1997. COBISS.SI-ID – 66062592
• Stark, R. in Bainbridge, W. S.: Teorija religije, FDV, Ljubljana, 2007. COBISS.SI-ID – 233371136
• Weber, Max: Izbrani spisi iz sociologije religije, Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 2015. COBISS.SI-ID – 284008192
• Weber, Max. 2002. Protestantska etika in duh kapitalizma. Ljubljana: ŠKUC : Filozofska fakulteta. COBISS.SI-ID – 117488640
• Cazeneuve, Jean: Sociologija obreda, Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana, 1986. COBISS.SI-ID – 4121600
• Otto, Rudolf: Sveto: o iracionalnem v ideji božjega in njegovem razmerju do racionalnega, Ljubljana, Nova revija, zbirka Herion, 1993. COBISS.SI-ID – 3263180
• Freud, Sigmund: Spisi o družbi in religiji: Prihodnost neke iluzije. Ljubljana, Analecta, 2007. COBISS.SI-ID – 232684288.
• Beck, Urlich. 2009. Lastni Bog: o zmožnosti religij za mir in njihovem potencialu za nasilje. Ljubljana: Študentska založba. COBISS.SI-ID - 247788544
• Bellah, Robert N. 1990. Civilna religija v Ameriki. Nova revija: mesečnik za kulturo 9(104), 1661-1673. COBISS.SI-ID – 22541568.
• Črnič, Aleš. 2012. Na vodnarjevem valu : nova religijska in duhovna gibanja. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV. COBISS.SI-ID – 264771072
Dodatna literatura:
• Berger, Peter L. 2014. The many altars of modernity : toward a paradigm for religion in a pluralist age. Boston : De Gruyter COBISS.SI-ID – 56771170
• Spickard, James: Alternative Sociologies of Religion: Through Non-Western Eyes, New York University Press, 2017. COBISS.SI-ID – 19892739
• McGuire, Meredith B. 1997. Religion : the social context. Belmont : Wadsworth. (COBISS.SI-ID – 17282402)
• Kerševan, Marko. 2005. Svoboda za cerkev, svoboda od cerkve : Cerkev in sodobna družba. Ljubljana: Sophia. COBISS.SI-ID – 218664448.
• Vrcan, Srđan: Od krize religije k religiji krize: prilog raspravi o religiji u uvjetima suvremene krize, Zagreb, Školska knjiga, 1986. COBISS.SI-ID – 16318977
• Haralambos, Michael: Sociologija, DZS, 1999. (Poglavje o religiji). COBISS.SI-ID – 103292672.
A comparative knowledge of the great modern world religions is assumed (eg one of the following or other review professional works):
• Eliade, Mircea: Zgodovina religioznih verovanj in idej, Ljubljana, DZS, 1996. COBISS.SI-ID – 59577856
• Smith, H.: Svetovne religije, Maribor, Obzorja, 1996. COBISS.SI-ID - 39163393