Modern Approaches to Latin and Greek Linguistics
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Kavčič Jerneja
Students learn about modern linguistic theories and their significance for Latin and Greek linguistics, including the functional grammar, generative grammar, naturalness/markedness theory, corpus linguistics. Each cycle is dedicated to a selected issue concerning Latin / Greek linguistics (with a focus on the synchronic perspective). The issues examined include:
- the syntax and semantics of Latin / Greek; their use in the didactics of Latin / Greek
- sociolinguistics and the Latin / Greek language; bilingualism and multilingualism in the Roman and Byzantine Empire
- Generative Grammar and the grammar of Latin and Greek: selected issues
- Naturalness/Markedness Theory and Latin / Greek: selected issues
- Corpus Linguistics and Latin / Greek: selected issues
Adams, J. N., 2003, Bilingualism and the Latin Language, Cambridge. COBISS.SI-ID – 61889793 in Bilingualism and the Latin Language: EBSCOhost
Bentein, K., M. Janse in J. Soltic, ur., Variation and Change in Ancient Greek Tense, Aspect and Modality, Leiden in Boston, 2017. Variation and Change in Ancient Greek Tense, Aspect and Modality: EBSCOhost
Bubenik, V. Hellenistic and Roman Greece as a sociolinguistic area, Amsterdam, 1989. Hellenistic and Roman Greece As a Sociolinguistic Area: EBSCOhost
Evans, T. V., in D. D. Obbink, ur., The Language of the Papyri, Oxford 2009. The Language of the Papyri: EBSCOhost
Pinkster, H., Latin Syntax and Semantics, London 1990 (elektronska izdaja: http://cybergreek.uchicago.edu/cgi-bin/philo/navigate.pl?lss.0). Universals of Language Today | SpringerLink
Woodcock, E. C., A New Latin Syntax, Cambridge, Mass., 1959, str. 166-213. COBISS.SI-ID – 24329314
Bentein, K. Verbal perihprasis in ancient Greek: have- and be-constructions. Oxford, 2018. COBISS.SI-ID – 68588386
Pinkster, H. The Oxford Latin Syntax. Oxford, 2015. COBISS.SI-ID - 68950114