Ksenija Vidmar Horvat

+386 1 2411 124



Today's crisis of humanity is an opportunity to realise the early humanists' dream, and create a face of human decency for our own posterity.

Prof. Dr. Ksenija Vidmar Horvat
Department of Sociology

Prof. Dr. Ksenija Vidmar Horvat


BA in Comparative Literature and Sociology of Culture, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15.4. 1991;

MA, Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis, USA, 1994;

PhD, Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis, USA, 2000.


Teaching Assistant, University of California, USA, 1992-1995;

Lecturer at the Institute for Humanities, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1999- 2001;

Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2001-.

Title: full professor in the field of sociology of culture.

Leadership positions, expert committees

  • member of the expert group at the European Commission, Directorate General Culture and Education (2009);
  • member of the evaluation board for the call for the visit of foreign researchers, ARRS, 2010, 2011;
  • chair, Dept. of sociology, 2009-2011;
  • vice chair of Academic Assembly, Faculty of Arts; chair of the Nika Bohinc Film Award (2010-2011);
  • chair of the scientific commmittee The Golden Stone (2011-2014).
  • leader of the program group "Social contract in the 21st century" (ARRS P6- 0400, 2015-)
  • Jean Monnet professor, 2012-

Scientific collaborations

prof. Dario Melossi (University of Bologna), prof. Doris Wastl-Walter (University of Bern), prof. Gerard Delanty (University of Sussex), prof. Hannu Niemenen (university of Helsinki); European Observatory on Memory (University of Barcelona); prof. Igor Štiks (Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University,Belgrade, Serbia).

organization of visiting lectures in Ljubljana: Zygmunt Bauman (2010, 2016), Will Kymlicka (2012), Dennis Smith (2013), Gerard Delanty in Chris Rumford (2008), Nira Yuval- Davis (2011); Lynn Hunt (2015), Lilie Chouliaraki (2016).

Coordination of projects:


  • "The Role of State Cultural Awards in Slovenia” (2000-2001), Slovene Ministry of Culture, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  • “The Role of Mass Media in the Construction of the Slovenian European Consciousness”, ARRS, Slovenia, 2008-2011.
  • "The role of women's migrations and migrants in the construction of the Slovene national identity from national to postnational era: comparative Slovenian, European, and global aspects", ARRS 2011-2014.
  • "Slovene national identity and tourist discourse" (coordinator prof. Vesna Mikolič, Scientific Centre Koper, Slovenia), ARRS, 2012-2015.
  • "Theory of punishment and democratic culture in Slovenia" (coordinator prof. Rok Svetlič, Scientific Centre Koper, Slovenia), ARRS, 2018-2021.


  • “The Predicament of Intercultural Dialogue”, University of Sussex/University of Ljubljana, GB/ARRS, Slovenia, 2008-2009.
  • "The Habsburg legacy in comparative Slovenian/Austrian and European perspectives", University of Ljubljana/University of Vienna, AT/ARRS, 2009-2011.
  •  "National audiences and the formation of the European public: a critical comparative study of media coverage of the Patria affair in Slovenia and Finland", MSFI/ARRS, 2009.
  • "European public sphere and mass media: intercultural and transcultural research of potentials and problems of formation of European public", MS-FI/ ARRS, 2011-2012.

European (partner)

  • EC IPA 2009-2012: The Buidling of crossborder Roma cultural?touris c transversal DROM and the development of the integral Roma cultural touristic product.
  • ASO, 2010-2011: The Challenges of Europeanisa on: Mediating between National and European Identities in South Eastern Europe” (coordinator University of Vienna)
  • ESS, New generation of researchers of life sciences (coordinator Institute for Chemistry, 2012-2014.
  • EUROM, EUROPEAN OBSERVATORY ON MEMORIES, Univerrsity of Barcelona, Solidaritat UB, (2014-
  • LLP IntlUni ,– 2012-2015: The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University (coordinator Aarhus University, Denmark).
  • DANUBE BEST Network: BioEthics Standards in Translational research: an integrated approach of the Bioethics education in biomedical sciences and its role in the development of the Knowledge Society in Danube Region countries, (2015-2016).
  • MEFRO, European Memories of Borders, coordinator Unioversity of Barcelona, European Observatory on Memories, 2015-2017.

 European (coordinator)

  • Jean Monnet: Integration of Europe, past views and future visions, 2012-2015.

Organization of international scientific conferences

2007: In-between Europe : spaces, identity and geographies of imagination : Mestni muzej /City Museum, Ljubljana, 27. 3. - 28. 3. 2007. Ljubljana: British Council [etc.].

2011:Small nations and the European public sphere : transcultural research on the formation of European public : symposium, Embassy of Finland, Ljubljana, 11-12 March 2011. Ljubljana.

2011:Women's voices on bordered Europe : international symposium, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana, 8-9 April 2011.

2013: Dis-membered and dis-remembered:migrant women in national imagination; international symposium, 6-7 May, Ljubljana, SAZU.

2016: MEFRO, European Memory in the Making: Refugees and Global Expulsions, 26-27 October, Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana, Slovene Ethnographic Musem.


1995/1996: UC Davis Fellowship;

1996/7: UC Davis Fellowship.

2007: ARRS-MS- 0P7: award for the successful preparation of the FP7 project.

2007-2008: Ad Futura (2006): “European Film, Multiculturalism, Transnationalism” (with Dr Polona Petek, University of Melbourne).

2008: HERA Travel Grant for the preparation of project “Collective Memories, Cultural Histories and European Identity” presented at the HERA Matchmaking Event, Paris, 19 April 2008.

2009, 2010, 2011, 2012: ARRS-MS-0P7: three awards for the successful preparation of the FP7 projects.

2010:  National award for the excellence in science for the work:VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Consuming European identity: the inconspicuous side of consumerism in the EU. International journal of cultural studies, ISSN 1367-8779, 2010, št. 1, str. 25-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 40165218].

Editor of 9 translations into Slovene language of works: Delanty and Rumford (Rethinking Europe, 2008), Zemon Davis (The Return of Martin Guerre, 2009), Yuval-Davis (Gender and nation, 2009), Benhabib (The Rights of Others, 2010), Kuljić (The Culture of Remembering, 2012,) Lynn Hunt (The Invention of human rights, 2015), Zygmunt Bauman: Collateral damage, 2011; Postmodern Ethics, 2016; Sandro Mezzadra, Brett Neilson; Border as Method, 2018.

Invited lectures

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Austromarxism in Slovenia : "Bruckenbauer. Nachbarschaft Mitteleuropa? Festveranstaltung und wissenschaftliches Symoposium zur Grundung der Republik am 30. okt. 1918, Wien 30.-31., Oktober 2018]. Wien: Jahoda-Bauer-Institute, 2018. [COBISS.SI-ID 68201826]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H., LEŠNIK, Avgust. Female Volunteers in the Spanish Civil war : International Willi Muenzenberg Kongres, "Global Spaces for Radical Solidarity: Panel 4: "Antifaschismus und Antistalinismus in den 1930er Jahren Teil I", Berlin, Deutschland,17.-20., September 2015]. Berlin: Willi Münzenberg Forum, 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 58505314]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Memory as a Transnational Heritage of Europe : critical evaluation of the 70th commemoration of the end of WWII in Slovenia : 4 th Copernicus Graduate School Interdisciplinary Conference, "History and Politics, Remembrance as Legitimation: Session 2. "History as Instrument", Toruń, Poland,10.-11., July 2015]. Toruń: Copernicus Graduate School, 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 58504546]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Migration, gender and borders: framing the debate on identity and belonging in Europe post-1989: "Eurasia's Environmental, Economic, and Geopolitical Transformations: Part X, Borders", Tampa, Florida, USA, 8.-12., April 2014]. New York: The Association of American Geographers,2014. [COBISS.SI-ID 54372706].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Migration, Gender and Visual Culture : Framing the Debate on Identity and Belonging : Second Summer Institute of the Association for Cultural Studies "The Sights/Sites of Cultural Studies", Klagenfurt, 22.-27 July 2013. Klagenfurt, Austria: The Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt:Faculty of Humanities, Department of Media and Communications and the "Research Group VisualCulture": Association for Cultural Studies Institute, 24.7.2013. [COBISS.SI-ID 52546146].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Europe consumed: memory, border imaginaries and consumer culture in Slovenia post 1991: Sofia: Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography, Leipzig, Germany.[COBISS.SI-ID 48988258].

Member of the editorial boards of international journals:

- Culture, Practice & Europeanization. Flensburg: Europa-Universität Flensburg, 2017- . ISSN 2566-7742.

- European journal of cultural studies.  London: Sage Publications, 1998-. ISSN 1367-5494. 

- Historia i Polityka.  Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika. Toruń: Fundacja Amicus Universitatis Nicolai Copernici. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika. ISSN 1899-5160.

- Javnost/Public. Evropski inštitut za komuniciranje in kulturo; Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 1994-. ISSN 1318-3222.

- Revija za sociologiju : sociološki tromjesečnik.  Zagreb: Hrvatsko sociološko društvo, 1971-. ISSN 0350-154X. http://hrcak.srce.hr/revija-za-sociologiju. [COBISS.SI-ID2899202]


Objave/Publications (2009-2019):

 Izvirni znanstveni članki/Articles

VIDMAR, Ksenija H., PUŠNIK, Maruša. In strangers' hands : Thai massage services in Slovenia. Cultural sociology, ISSN 1749-9755, Jun. 2019, vol. 13, no. 2, str. 217-232.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. The post-national sexual contract: An examination. Anthropological notebooks, ISSN 1408-032X. [Tiskana izd.], 2017, vol. XXIII, no. 1, str. 57-69. http://www.drustvo-antropologov.si/anthropological_notebooks_eng.html.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. The Balkan road and the guarding of Europe : the refugee crisis on the borders of Slovenia. Dve domovini : razprave o izseljenstvu, ISSN 0353-6777. [Tiskana izd.], 2017, [Št.] 45, str. 105-119.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Človekove pravice v postnacionalni državi : utopična branja. Razprave in gradivo : revija za narodnostna vprašanja, ISSN 0354-0286. [Tiskana izd.], Dec. 2017, no. 79, str. 53-69.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Periferne vizije : grška dolžniška drama in evropski subjekt po krizi. Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja, ISSN 0040-3598, jan.-feb. 2017, letn. 54, št. 1, str. 129-145, 190-191.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Evropski spomin in vizualizacija travme : vloga umetniške reprezentacije v medijskem projektu "Begunec_ka sem". V: MATAJC, Vanesa (ur.), VIRANT, Špela (ur.). Migracije = Migrations, (Ars & humanitas, ISSN 1854-9632, 10, 2). Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete: = University Press, Faculty of Arts. 2016, letn. 10, št. 2, str. 13-30, ilustr.

LEŠNIK, Avgust, VIDMAR, Ksenija H. The Spanish Female Volunteers from Yugoslavia as Example of Solidarity in a Transnacional Contex. The international newsletter of communist studies Online, ISSN 1862-698X, 2014/15, [Letn.] 20/21, [št.] 27/28, str. 37-51. http://incs.ub.rub.de/index.php/INCS/. [COBISS.SI-ID 60848226]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Večglasje, manjšine in postnacionalni red : evropske in nacionalne dileme medijske demokracije. Javnost, ISSN 1318-3222, 2015, vol. 22, supl., str. S91-S101. [COBISS.SI-ID 59161698]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. (avtor, gostujoči urednik). Rebordering the perspective on the EU : a view from the Slovenian periphery. Javnost, ISSN 1318-3222, oct. 2014, vol. 21, no. 3, str. 93-108, 111. http://javnost-thepublic.org/article/2014/3/6/. [COBISS.SI-ID 56004706].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Kulturna globalizacija in migracije : kritično soočenje teorije na prelomu stoletja. V: SPLICHAL, Slavko (ur.). Globalizacija v dobro ali zlo? : zbornik ob 80-letnici akademika Zdravka Mlinarja, (Razprave, ISSN 0560-2955, 27). Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti. 2013, str. 74-88. [COBISS.SI-ID 54189922]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Engendering Borders : some critical thoughts on theories of borders and migration. Klagenfurter Geographische Schriften, 2013, heft 19, str. 157-167. http://igr.aau.at/en/forschung/kgs29. [COBISS.SI-ID 53046370].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Migration, Gender and visual Culture : Framing the Debate on Identity and Belonging in Europe post-1989. Medien Journal : Zeitschrift für kommunikationskultur, ISSN 1025-9473, 2013, jrg. 37, nr. 3, str. 32-44. [COBISS.SI-ID 54451810]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. The predicament of intercultural dialogue : reconsidering the politics of culture and identity in the EU. Cultural sociology, ISSN 1749-9755, 2012, vol. 6, no. 1, str. 27-44. http://cus.sagepub.com/. [COBISS.SI-ID 46280546].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. A Wandering Paradigm, or Is Cosmopolitanism Good for Women?. Querelles-Net, ISSN 1862-054X, 2012, bd. 16. http://www.querelles.de/index.php/qjb/article/view/3. [COBISS.SI-ID 51209058]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Sociology of culture and cultural studies : towards a postsocialist reconciliation. Revija za sociologiju : sociološki tromjesečnik, ISSN 0350-154X, 2012, god. 42, br. 2, str. 119-140. http://hrcak.srce.hr/99190. [COBISS.SI-ID 51729506]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Marshall in kozmofeminizem : razmislek k sodobni teoriji državljanstva. Časopis za kritiko znanosti, ISSN 0351-4285, 2011, letn. 39, št. 246, str. 192-204. [COBISS.SI-ID 47853922]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. From metics to the erased, or how to ground cosmopolitanism : a post-socialist perspective on current theories of cosmopolitanism. Revija za sociologiju : sociološki tromjesečnik, ISSN 0350-154X, Travanj 2011, god. 41, br. 1, str. 9-26.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H., UČAKAR, Tjaša. Multikulturalizem kot orodje spolnega podrejanja : analiza javnega diskurza o zakrivanju. Šolsko polje : revija za teorijo in raziskave vzgoje in izobraževanja, ISSN 1581-6036. [Tiskana izd.], 2011, letn. 22, št. 3/4, str. 149-170, 207-208. [COBISS.SI-ID 47286626]

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Multiculturalism in time of terrorism : re-imagining Europe post-9/11. Cultural studies, ISSN 0950-2386, 2010, vol. 24, št. 5, str. 747-766. http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~db=all~content=t713684873. [COBISS.SI-ID 43150690].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Consuming European identity : the inconspicuous side of consumerism in the EU. International journal of cultural studies, ISSN 1367-8779, 2010, št. 1, str. 25-41. [COBISS.SI-ID 40165218], Nagrada: Razprava je dobila priznanje Agencije Republike Slovenije za znanost (ARRS) "Odlični v znanosti 2010" (Humanistika - področje kulturologija)

Poglavja v knjigah/Book chapters

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Cosmopolitan Patriotism. V: SARDOČ, Mitja (ur.). Handbook of patriotism. Cham: Springer International Publishing. 2017, str. 1-14. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007%2F978-3-319-30534-9_36-1, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-30534-9_36-1. [COBISS.SI-ID 65246050].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Memory as a transnational heritage of Europe : a critical evaluation of Slovenia's 70th second world war commemoration. V: KĄCKA, Katarzyna (ur.), SCHATTKOWSKY, Ralph (ur.). History and politics : remembrance as legitimation, (Copernicus Graduate School Studies (CGS Studies), Vol. 6). 1. ed. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars. 2017, str. 85-100.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Spolna pogodba in njen postnacionalni aneks. V: VIDMAR, Ksenija H. (ur.), PATEMAN, Carole. Spolna pogodba. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. 2016, str. 5-16. [COBISS.SI-ID 60656226].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Remembering Dissidents: Cosmopolitan Challenges in Post-Socialist Slovenia. In: CARAUS, Tamara (ed.). Cosmopolitanism and the legacies of dissent, (Routledge studies in social and political thought). London: Routledge, 2014, 49-66. [COBISS.SI-ID 55688546].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H., UČAKAR, Tjaša. Migrant workers in post-Yugoslav Slovenia: betwen memory, solidarity and denial. In PAJNIK, Mojca (ed.), ANTHIAS, Floya (ed.). Work and the challenges of belonging: migrants in globalizing economies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014,75-92. [COBISS.SI-ID 55344994].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Racing for the audience: National identity, public TV and the Roma in post-socialist Slovenia. In: IMRE, Anikó (ed.), HAVENS, Timothy (ed.), LUSTYIK, Kati (ed.). Popular television in Eastern Europe during and since socialism, (Routledge advances in internationalizing media studies, 9). New York: Routledge, 2013, 259-273. [COBISS.SI-ID 50290018].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Memory, citizenship, and consumer culture in postsocialist Europe. In: KOCKEL, Ullrich (ed.), CRAITH, Máiréad Nic (ed.), FRYKMAN, Jonas (ed.). A companion to the anthropology of Europe, (Blackwell companions to anthropology, 17). Oxford; Chichester; Malden (MA): Wiley-Blackwell,2012, 145-162. [COBISS.SI-ID 48750434].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. The globalization of gender: Ally McBeal in post-socialist Slovenia: European Journal of Cultural Studies, 8,(2) May 2005, 239-55 : Volume II,. In: STEGER, Manfred B. Globalization and culture : Volume I,II, (The Globalization of the World Economy). Cheltenham, UK; Northampton. MA,USA: Edward Elgar, 2012, 403-419. [COBISS.SI-ID 50663010].

Znanstvene monografije/Books

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Periferna Europa: Tranzitologija i postkrizni diskursi u jugoistočnoj Europi. Zagreb: Sandorf; v tisku.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Periferna Evropa : tranzitologija in postkrizni diskurzi v jugovzhodni Evropi, (Zbirka Razprave FF). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2018. 138 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-961-06-0061-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 294310144].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Imaginarna majka : rod i nacionalizam u kulturi 20. stoljeća, (Biblioteka Zirone). Zagreb: Sandorf; Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2017. 245 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-953-351-016-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 289596672].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Zamišljena mati: spol in nacionalizem v kulturi 20. stoletja. Ljubljana: Scientific Publishing of the Faculty of Arts. 2013. [COBISS.SI-ID 271504640].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. Imagined mother: gender and nationalism in the 20th century culture. Ljubljana.Mladinska knjiga. 2014.

VIDMAR, Ksenija H. (editor). Women away, women on the way: female migrants in the Slovene national imagination, Ljubljana: Scientific Publishing of the Faculty of Arts, 2014. [COBISS.SI-ID 275575552].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Kozmopolitski patriotizem : historično-sociološki in etični vidiki neke paradigme, [Cosmopolitan patriotism: historical-sociological and ethical aspects of a paradigm] Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2012. [COBISS.SI-ID 264507392].

VIDMAR, Ksenija H.. Zemljevidi vmesnosti : eseji o evropski kulturi in identiteti po koncu hladne vojne,[Maps of in-betweenness: essays on European culture and identity after the end of the Cold war]. Ljubljana: Sophia, 2009. [COBISS.SI-ID 249172224].

Urednica 9 prevodov socioloških del v slovenščino: Delanty and Rumford (Rethinking Europe, 2008), Zemon Davis (The Return of Martin Guerre, 2009), Yuval-Davis (Gender and nation, 2009), Benhabib (The Rights of Others, 2010), Kuljić (The Culture of Remembering, 2012,) Lynn Hunt (The Invention of human rights, 2015); Carole Pateman (Spolna pogodba, 2016); Zygmunt Bauman: Postnoderna etika (2016), Mezzadra in Neilson (Meja kot metoda, 2018).

Compulsory Courses

Elective Courses


19. 02. - 16. 04. 2025
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30. 01. - 31. 01. 2025
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The second doctoral conference of the Humanities and Social Sciences study programme: New perspectives in Humanities and Social sciences

09. 11. - 11. 11. 2023
Department of Archaeology, Faculty of Arts

26th Neolithic Seminar 'Eurasian Neolithics: How Cultures and Societies Evolve and Why It Matters'

27. 02. 2023
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13. 10. 2022
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