Giustina Selvelli (Trst, 1984) je antropologinja, sociologinja jezika in podoktorska raziskovalka.
Je strokovnjakinja za jezike in dediščino etnolingvističnih manjšin, nacionalizem in ekološka vprašanja v širši vzhodnoevropski regiji. Na Univerzi v Trstu je diplomirala iz germanistike in srbohrvaščine (2008), magistrirala iz antropologije in etnolingvistike (2012, z poudarkom na armenistiki) in doktorirala iz slavistike (2017), oboje na Univerzi Ca' Foscari v Benetkah v Italiji.
Opravljala je raziskovalna in pedagoška dela na Univerzi Ca' Foscari v Benetkah (2021/2022), Univerzi v Novi Gorici (2020/2021) na Univerzi v Celovcu (2018/2019), Univerzi v Novem Sadu (2017/2018 in 2015/2016), Univerzi Egejskega morja v Mytilenu (2017) in na BALKAR inštitutu za balkanske in črnomorske študije na Univerzi Yildiz v Istanbulu (2014/2015), kjer je raziskovala in vodila tečaje/seminarje o etnolingvističnih manjšinah v vzhodni Evropi. Leta 2022 je bila gostujoča predavateljica na Univerzi v Konstanzu (mobilnost Erasmus+) in na Univerzi v Montrealu (čezmorska mobilnost).
Je avtorica monografij “The Alphabet of Discord. The Ideologization of Writing Systems on the Balkans Since the Breakup of Multiethnic Empires (Ibidem, 2021), Language Attitudes, Collective Memory and (Trans)National Identity Construction Among the Armenian Diaspora in Plovdiv (Peter Lang, 2024) and Capire il Confine. Gorizia e Nova Gorica: Lo sguardo di un’antropologa indaga la frontiera ("Razumeti mejo. Gorica in Nova Gorica: pogled antropologa na meji, Bottega Errante Edizioni, 2024).
Zadnji članki:
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2025. “Endangered languages and environmental degradation among minority communities in Europe: an ecological perspective” in A. Sorescu-Marinkovic?, M. Ćorković, M. | Mirić. Vulnerable and endangered languages in Europe. Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies: 83-112.
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2024. “Endangered Languages, Endangered Environments: Reflections on An Integrated Approach Towards Current Issues of Ecocultural Diversity Loss”, A. Lukšič, B, Remic, S, Jovanovska (eds.) The Public, the Private and the Commons. Challenges of a Just Green Transition: Proceedings from the Summer School of Political Ecology 2024. Založba Univerze v Ljubljani.
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2024. “Nous écrivons, donc nous existons : identité et mémoire dans les paysages linguistiques arméniens de Plovdiv”, Diversité Urbaine 21 (2), 81-97.
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2023. “Report on the International Conference on Minority and Endangered Languages in the Multilingual Context of the Balkans”. Balkansko Ezikoznanie/Linguistique Balkanique LXII (2), 186-190.
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2023. “Markets, ethnic cultures, and minority languages: constructing semiotic landscapes of diversity”. In Urban Anthropology Journal 23 (2), 31-51.
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2022. “Preserving and Developing Romani language on TV: Good Practices from the Vojvodina Public Broadcasting Service.” Linguistic Minorities in Europe Online, De Gruyter.
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2024. Language Practices and (Trans)National Identity Construction among the Armenian Diaspora of Bulgaria. Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe Series. Berlin · Bruxelles · Lausanne · New York · Oxford, Peter Lang (with the support of a Calouste Gulbenkian Grant).
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2024. Capire il confine. Lo sguardo di un’antropologa indaga la frontiera (‘Understanding the Border. The Gaze of an Anthropologist on the Frontier). Udine, Bottega Errante.
SELVELLI, Giustina. 2021. The Alphabet of Discord. The Ideologization of Writing Systems on the Balkans since the Breakup of Multiethnic Empires. Balkan Politics and Society Series, Stuttgart, Ibidem Press.