Temna stran osebnosti

Oddelek za psihologijo Filozofske fakultete  vabi na predavanji prof. dr. Bojane Dinić z Oddelka za psihologijo Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Novem Sadu, ki se raziskovalno ukvarja s temno triado oz. tetrado, tj. negativnimi osebnostnimi potezami (makiavelizmom, narcisizmom, psihopatijo in sadizmom), dejavniki takih osebnostnih potez in njihovim odrazom v vedenju. Obe predavanji bosta v sredo, 29. 5., prvo ob 10.30 v predavalnici 34 in drugo ob 14.40 v predavalnici 15 na Filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Predavanji bosta potekali v angleškem jeziku.

Napovedi predavanj (v angleščini):

Prvo predavanje: ILLUMINATING DARK PERSONALITY TRAITS / Osvetlitev temnih potez osebnosti (pred. 34 in preko Zoom povezave)

The Dark Triad/Tetrad is a construct that has rapidly become popular in the last 20 years and is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers and the general public. This constellation of socially aversive traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism) has found application in explaining a wide range of antisocial behaviors in different contexts. Yet, there are still conceptual dilemmas regarding the dark traits which represent the backbone of my research. Among them, the key dilemmas are what constitutes the core of dark personality traits (the so-called Dark Core) and whether dark traits can be reduced to a single, central characteristic or to a basic personality trait such as agreeableness or honesty-humility. These dilemmas are followed by the question of the shared genetic and environmental factors of dark and basic traits, and I will present the results of the first twin study in Serbia related to this issue.

Drugo predavanje: DARK PERSONALITY TRAITS IN THE CONTEXT / Temne poteze osebnosti v različnih kontekstih (pred. 15 in preko Zoom povezave)

The Dark Triad/Tetrad is a constellation of socially aversive traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism). The majority of research in this filed was focused on investigation of its central characteristics and relationships with basic traits. However, the second generation of research is more focused on practical implications and investigation of dark traits in various contexts: intimate partner relationships, organizational behavior, mental and physical health, cyber space and online behavior, etc. Furthermore, although we know that dark traits can be associated with “toxic” social outcomes, there are still open questions about the mechanisms through which dark traits are related to these outcomes and the interplay between dark traits and contextual factors that contribute to adverse outcomes. In support of this discussion, I will present a series of studies by my research team in which we examined specific relationships between dark traits and socially aversive outcomes, such as various forms and functions of aggression in offline and online environment, antisocial punishment, non-compliance with protective measures during the COVID-19 pandemic, toxic leadership styles and similar. The discussion will be also focused on the similarities and differences between the dark traits and which trait could be considered as the darkest depending on the context. At the end, I will consider the possible directions for the development of this research field.

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